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Foster Home Application

MoKan Greyhound Adoption wants both the Greyhound and the foster home to be happy. It is our goal to make the best possible match between the Greyhound and foster home.

Note: If there is more than one adult in the household, each person must complete the information below.

Applicant Age
May we contact you at work?
Co-Applicant Age
May we contact co-applicant at work?
About You and Your Family
In which type of area do you live?
*Please note that if you have children under the age of 13, you will be required to read “How to Live with Kids and Dogs...Without Losing Your Mind” by Colleen Pelar. We do not typically adopt to families with children under the age of 5 that do not have a fence but, we will consider these adoptions on a case-by-case basis.
Are your children/grandchildren knowledgeable about pets?
Are there any family members unsteady on their feet or who have special needs using assistance such as a wheelchair or walker?
Have you or your family ever seen or met a Greyhound?
Do you currently have an active application with another Greyhound adoption program?
*If you have an active application with more than one Greyhound adoption program, we will ask you to finish things with all other programs before we will work with you. Please understand that our program is run entirely by volunteers and most of them work full time jobs. We try not to waste their time.
Are all applicants and family members in total agreement with adopting a retired racing greyhound?
About Your Home
In which type of home do you live?
Do you own or rent?
If in an apartment or a homeowners association, do you have written permission for a large dog over 55 pounds?
No file selected
Do you have a fenced yard?
Are any fence repairs/alterations needed?
Do you have a swimming pool?
Is there a lake, pond or river in or near your yard?
Are there currently other DOGS in your household?
Please list the CURRENT pets in your household
Is current pet 1 spayed or neutered?
Is current pet 1 male or female?
Personality type?
Are vaccinations up to date?
Does current pet 1 live primarily:
Is current pet 2 spayed or neutered?
Is current pet 2 male or female?
Personality type?
Are vaccinations up to date?
Does current pet 2 live primarily:
Please list the PREVIOUS pets in your household
Have there been previous pets in your household?
Was previous pet 1 spayed or neutered?
Did previous pet 1 live primarily?
Was previous pet 2 spayed or neutered?
Did previous pet 2 live primarily?
On a scale of 1-5, please rate your level of dog experience:
Your Lifestyle
Does your family anticipate any major lifestyle changes in the next 12 months?
What is the activity level in your household?
Most Greyhounds are 2 to 5 years old when available to adopt. Would you consider adopting a greyhound that is 6 to 9 years old?
What do you consider valid reason for giving up a pet?
Your Veterinarian
Would you like us to help you find a Greyhound veterinarian in your area?
Please List Two References
All reading age members of the family have read the foster manual and understand and agree to our policies?
Do you agree to always keep your foster dog on a leash or within a fully fenced area?
Do you agree to crate your foster dog when you cannot supervise him/her?
Do all family members agree to keep the foster dog off of the furniture?
Do all family members agree to contact the lost dog hot line immediately if the dog should get out?
Do all family members understand that MoKan Greyhound Adoption will not be responsible for damage to household items or other animals in the home?
Do all family members understand and agree to our medical policy for foster dogs?
Do you agree to contact the Foster Coordinator weekly either by phone or e-mail to give updates on your foster dog?
Do you agree to promptly answer a questionnaire on how your Greyhound is doing?
Do you understand that you have 14 days to decide to adopt your foster dog?

Our Impact

  • Total Dogs Adopted


  • Dogs Adopted in 2020


  • Volunteer Hours in 2020


  • Adoption Events in 2020


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